Quiz yourself on the facts of safe driving.

Just the Facts

Be prepared for teen driver education!

Much of what teens learn in school about driving is focused on the basic skills, not the root causes of teen driving crashes. That's why Toyota and Discovery Education have developed the TeenDrive365: In School program to start a dialogue between you - their primary source of information after their parents and friends - and them.

Are you prepared to teach your students about avoiding distractions, and what it can mean if you don't? Answer the following questions to see if you're ready and up to the challenge.

Do you know the facts?

Take the Mutual Driving Agreement

By holding each other accountable, we can reduce unsafe driving behavior. Take the Mutual Driving Agreement to show that you're serious about keeping safe behind the wheel.

Learn more about TeenDrive365 and our mission to teach teens, educators and families about safe driving habits.